I'm encountering exactly what you are describing. What a nightmare. This is all new to me.
Truly appreciate your response and indepth description.
What are your thoughts about someone editing a stock incal calibration? As far as the headers / data not becoming corrupted?
As far as editing the RAM parameters,
While connected to the ECM - is there any special procedure that needs to be followed such as another "download" step or is it simply making your edits and clicking "save"?
I'm encountering exactly what you are describing. What a nightmare. This is all new to me.
Truly appreciate your response and indepth description.
What are your thoughts about someone editing a stock incal calibration? As far as the headers / data not becoming corrupted?
As far as editing the RAM parameters,
While connected to the ECM - is there any special procedure that needs to be followed such as another "download" step or is it simply making your edits and clicking "save"?