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ISM cm875
Looking for someone who can do tuning on the cm875 is2. In desperate need.

EGR system delete. 

Sent you a pm
Whoever does it, check the block table. You can usually judge a bad delete from that alone. If the delete table is a mile long then you can pretty much guarantee that delete is trash.
If I helped in any way, please give THANKS + REP!

Cummins INSITE 8.x/9.x+Fleet Cals, Password Resets
Cummins Calterm 5.16.0
Calterm Master Tool Ultimate v10.3
Cummins INCAL Tool v8.5
CNH 9.2 Dealer or Engineering
Wabco 14.3 Engineering
DDDL 8.20 - Levels 10/10/10
CAT ET 2024A + Perkins 2024A + FPKG/AutoGen
SR 4.12 Engineering
Bendix ACOM Pro 2024
Allison DOC 2024
JPRO 2024
Remote Tuning for all Cummins engines. PM for Quote.

I'm encountering exactly what you are describing. What a nightmare. This is all new to me.

Truly appreciate your response and indepth description.

What are your thoughts about someone editing a stock incal calibration? As far as the headers / data not becoming corrupted?

As far as editing the RAM parameters,

While connected to the ECM - is there any special procedure that needs to be followed such as another "download" step or is it simply making your edits and clicking "save"?

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