09-16-2019, 12:18 PM
I will take a few minutes to give you news and progress of my projects
1. advisor service 5.2
-activate for 6000 days
- you can switch to CF database or AG database
- you can install CF + AG in same laptop
update soon
- i will add days activation 30 days 90 days 1000daays or 6000days
- will support multiple language ...
2. DLB level 3 !!
- is complete now just need to test on some Truck! change parameter etc !!
3. PTT 2.7
- 80% complete
-i make one baldolocal completely open to install on any PC
-login fix for offline work
-install offline need ok some bug for tech toolcore and install APCI
-in database apci + 2018/11 and i update apci 09/2019
if you have any question for my work just ask me in tread !!