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Volvo truck delete
Hi guys, i have a friend that he pay some body to delete his  2015 USA volvo vnl 780 with a d13 engine. My question is : what tool i need to read his ecu? Also where is the delete file or files located and what is the size? I have ptt 2.7 with original Nexiq USB Link 2      available, clone kess and k tag also. I want to avoid opening his ecu and if possibly to use only OBD2 .
The reason i want to do this is to compare the file with the original to see what changes are made. I have the same truck but i do not want to mess with emissions alterations . The person that did the delete says that he use a file from industrial equipment . I just have curiosity. I do some car ecu cloning but i  am no way an expert . That is why i ask the pros.
Thanks in advance Tom
Pretty much to read u need ktag or trasdata original protocols 870 and u have to open up ..also nothing to compare if you don't have the original ... most likely they used a euro file
Trasdata with Volvo adapter works like charm

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