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NEWS: You can now buy ZEZ with PayPal
Hi friends,

We added a new feature with the ZEZ in-forum currency. We had many requests to add this feature and so we did. You can now buy ZEZ in-forum currency with real USD via PayPal. This helps users who don't have any posts or threads to contribute but still need ZEZ on the forum. Each purchase goes to paying to keep our forum alive.

LINK: BUY ZEZ (Also accessible from the normal ZEZ Menu or by clicking on your amount of ZEZ or another user's ZEZ.)

Thank you everyone. We hope you like the new feature.

Please let a staff member know if you have any questions.
[-] The following 18 users say Thank You to webmaster for this post:
  • alicestar, alphacode, bi0haZarD, Cyrex1337, DieselDwarf, IDAXLord, jXfusion, Kot-Mehvod , kwdriver, Meat-Head, RaZoR , RenoX, Rocinante, shaan, undeadchevy, wgp1226, Zezima, Zuki
waste your ZEZ once you open a software or you keep accumulating?

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